Vision Wellness

A comprehensive eye exam can lead to an early diagnosis of health issues or systemic diseases such as diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, macular degeneration and glaucoma. Superior Vision’s SmartAlert Wellness Program fosters communication between you, your eye care provider, and your primary care physician or specialist(s) regarding any of these diagnoses or concerns that were discovered during your comprehensive eye exam.

The easy-to-use SmartAlert forms are used by you and your eye care provider to capture eye exam findings that you can then share with your health care physician at your own discretion.

How SmartAlert Works

  • You fill out the My Vision Lifestyle Update Form and share it with your eye care provider before your eye exam. This form captures your current lifestyle factors which may contribute to the overall health and quality of your vision.
  • After your eye exam, your eye care provider fills out the Provider Communication Form regarding a diagnosis or other concerns he or she may have regarding your eye or vision health and gives you the completed form. This form allows you and your eye care provider to compare eye and vision concerns and eye exam results from year to year.
  • You can share the completed Provider Communication Form with your primary care physician, specialist(s), or health programs at your discretion.

Superior Vision’s SmartAlert Vision Wellness Program is offered at no cost to you and no enrollment is required. The program is confidential and complies with HIPAA guidelines, as all initial information is between you and your eye care provider. It is at your discretion to voluntarily share this valuable information with your medical physician(s) or health programs. At no time is your information shared with Superior Vision or any other entity.

This is NOT a medical referral program but a voluntary sharing of information. All medical referrals should conform to the information detailed in your medical health plan.